Our Mission

All Saints’ College is part of the system of schools of the Diocese of Maitland Newcastle. As one of the oldest Catholic schools in the Diocese All Saints’ draws on the traditions and identity of its founding orders but also of the dedicated and committed families whose desire it was to have a Catholic education for their children. As a community of believers, we encourage our students and staff to have a relationship with Christ, that is inspired and nurtured through ongoing formation, ritual, learning and knowledge of tradition and culture.

The College is proud of its long and close association with the religious orders who established Catholic education in the Maitland community. The College also enjoys a strong relationship with the Chisholm Parish and wider diocesan community.

Our Vision


a faith filled community inspired by Christ, enlivened and reflected in our authentic relationships.


a community committed to a safe and supportive environment nurturing the formation of the whole person.

Life-long Learning

a community of lifelong learners celebrating continual growth and success.

At the heart of everything there is always Jesus Christ.

As a community our vision is closely aligned with the vision for Catholic schools in the Diocese of Maitland Newcastle.